I got pictures from Au ages a go, but hadn't downloaded as it seemed such a big file. Finally, I downloaded them yesterday (I was talking to Au on msn, and he seemed wanting me to have a look at them.) Normally, au isn't that kind of person. You know, asking/telling people to do things over and over again. So, the pictures should be something... something...
They all are our photos when we were kids (none of us was not yet 5, I guessed). To be honest, I'd almost forgot those moment of my life. I'm just too far away from places to remind me those feelings, am I? Not only myself though, all of us are... We are! Only our parents are still "home". No wonders, they should have missed us a lot, really a lot. We're seeing new people, surrounded by new environment all the time. It's kind like fun, exciting and challenging, I guess. For them, it should be like something missing from what it used to be. I'm now feeling like, my parents miss me really a lot, much more than I miss them. I don't mean that I miss them less or don't miss them. Of course, I really do. I just think my feeling can't be compare to theirs.
If I could ask for any thing now, I wished I was with my parents and my brothers. That's all I would ask for really!!!!
I love you, mama, papa, au & lee.
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