Friday, July 20, 2007

Lee's Graduation 20/07/2007

Another graduation...

Congratulations to you, nong Lee!!! You did it!!! Yeah Yeah!!!

<-- Bachelor of Information Technology, Griffith University, Brisbane Au.

We're proud of you and wish you all success in
your career and/or further study naja.

Luv ya,
Mae, Pa, Au & Tarn

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Au's graduation 5/07/2007

I went back to Thailand for Au's graduation ceremony between June 29th and July 7th.

Although it was a short trip back to Thailand (1 week), I enjoyed my time in Thailand and was happy to be a part of his day sharing happiness!!! Congratulations to you again na!!! Wish you all the best.

Be your supports as always,

Mae, Pa, Lee & Tarn

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